Don't think, observe!

EBTA 2015 went to Vienna



Starting at 09:00


Vienna, Austria

University for Music and Performing Arts

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About EBTA 2015

About E.B.T.A.

EBTA, founded in 1993 by Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg and a group of European Solution Focused Practitioners, provides a European platform for people interested in Solution Focused Therapy as well as other forms of Solution Focused work, like coaching, pedagogy, etc.

Since 1994, EBTA conferences have been held throughout Europe. The conferences have turned out to be a source of inspiration for like-minded professionals. EBTA’s main aims are to provide a platform for like-minded professionals to share experiences, develop friendship, and support and share research.

For further information about E.B.T.A. please visit:

About EBTA 2015

The annual EBTA Conference will take place for the first time in Vienna/Austria from 11th to 13th September 2015.

The topic of this Conference is “Don’t think, observe!”, which was an often expressed sentence by Steve De Shazer in relation to an article called “Don’t think but observe!” written by him.

The location of this conference will be the Music University of Vienna. Currently we are able to host 220 people there.

These three facts focus on different aspects of Steve De Shazer.

The date was chosen around the 11th September 2015, which is the 10th anniversary of Steve’s passing. Vienna was the city, which he loved very much besides other places in Europe and where he related to even in his last book “Words were originally magic” (The title is a sentence expressed by Sigmund Freud). And Vienna is the city where he died 10 years ago.

The topic should express Steve’s focus on concrete data in working with people besides general theories about human behavior.

As a topic for this conference it should point out the actual developments of solution focused work in different contexts, where the solution focused approach is used in concrete projects. So therefore the contexts of psychotherapy, health and social care, education, training, coaching, counseling and research projects in clinical and other contexts of solution focused work should get a forum, where actual and different ideas and developments should be presented and shared in the sense of cooperation and common learning between different professionals of different countries.

At this moment we gain more and more speaker confirmations. Our keynotes will be given by Arild Aamboe (Norway), Mark Beyebach (Spain), Alasdair Macdonald (UK), Harvey Ratner (UK), and Peter De Jong (US).

The location of the conference, the Music University of Vienna, points to Steve’s passion for music.

On the evening of 11th September 2015 a small memorial for Steve is planned. A famous Austrian pianist, Roland Batik together with his Japanese wife Yuko Batik, who is also a fantastic pianist, will perform works of composers, who were Steve’s favorites like Bach, Shostakovitch, people of the 3rd Viennese School like Alban Berg, Jazz standards of Miles Davis, Dave Brubeck and jazz compositions of Roland Batik himself.

We hope that this conference with its special program and location could be a opportunity to come to Vienna and to relax in vivid discussions and sharing ideas for future developments. So please come and join EBTA 2015 in the historic ambient of Vienna!

Vienna Impressions


Solution-Focused Experts From All Over The World

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Solution-Focus All Day Long

The full program as PDF for download



Pre- and Post-Conference Events

The Solution Management Center organizes pre- and post-conference workshops. The registration will be handled directly by the Solution Management Center.

Pre-Conference - September 10th, 2015

Peter De Jong - Interviewing for Solutions: How to Listen, Select, and Build Solutions with Clients

Peter De Jong In this workshop you will learn how SFBT skills were developed at the Brief Family Therapy Center through Steve and Insoo’s innovative work and the unique way of thinking about clients and the therapeutic relationship that these new skills inspired.

We will focus on how to conduct exception, miracle, and scaling conversations with clients using the conversational process of SF listening, selecting, and building from client answers.

Expect interesting activities, video and live demonstrations, and lots stimulating interaction among participants. Plan to leave the workshop eager to get back to work on Monday morning and use your enhanced SF skills with clients and co-workers!

The workshop will be held in English!

  • When: September 10th, 2015, 9am - 5pm
  • Where: at the conference venue - University for Music and Performing Arts, Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, 1030 Vienna
  • Cost: € 280.- plus VAT (Early Bird until 31.05.2015, afterwards: € 330.- plus VAT)
    Participants of the EBTA- Conference and NGO’s: € 180,- plus VAT


Veronika Kotrba - Der lösungsfokussierte Ansatz: die Basis

Veronika KotrbaIn diesem Workshop lernen Sie die wichtigsten Haltungen, Prinzipien und Werkzeuge erfolgreicher lösungsfokussierter Arbeit im Sinne Steve de Shazers und Insoo Kim Bergs kennen. Neben der inter-aktiven Erarbeitung der theoretischen Basiskenntnisse haben Sie Gelegenheit, deren Wirksamkeit anhand Ihrer eigenen mitgebrachten Fälle praktisch zu erfahren.


  • zentrale Haltungen und Prinzipien des lösungs-fokussierten Vorgehens
  • lösungsfokussierte Fragetechniken inkl. Skalen-Arbeit, Wunderfrage, Frage nach Ausnahmen und nach Unterschieden
  • der lösungsfokussierte Gesprächsablauf am Modell der Lösungspyramide
  • Berücksichtigung unterschiedlicher Bedürfnisse von GesprächspartnerInnen
  • praktische Übungen und Anwendungsbeispiele

Mit diesem Tag sind Sie bestens für die EBTA2015 Konferenz gerüstet – egal, ob Sie sich erstmals für das lösungsfokussierte Vorgehen interessieren, oder ob Sie Ihr Wissen darüber auffrischen möchten.

  • Wann: 14. September 2015, 9:00 - 17:00 Uhr
  • Wo: am Konferenzort - Universität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst, Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, 1030 Wien
  • Early Bird: 220€ exkl. MwSt., buchbar bis 29. Mai 2015, danach: 250€ exkl. MwSt. Für Teilnehmende der EBTA-Konferenz und NGO’s: € 150,- zzgl. Mwst.


Post-Conference - September 13th, 2015

Ben Furmann - "Ich schaffs" - Anleitung zum Gelingen für SchülerInnen und LehrerInnen

Ben Furmann"Ich schaff’s" ist eine einfache lösungsfokussierte Methode für die Unterstützung von Kindern und Jugendlichen bei der Lösung ihrer Schwierigkeiten und Probleme. Es basiert auf der radikalen Idee, dass Kinder - so wie sie es wahrnehmen - eigentlich keine Probleme haben, sondern Träume, Hoffnungen und den Wunsch nach persönlichem Wachstum. Auf Basis dieser Annahme können Kinder und Jugendliche mit einer kooperativen und unterstützenden Haltung begleitet werden. Dabei muss man ihnen nicht sagen, was falsch läuft, was nicht mit ihnen stimmt oder wie sie sich anders verhalten sollten. Indem man die Denkweise und Weltsicht der Kinder und Jugendlichen mit den passenden Methoden integriert, ist eine einfühlsame und gleichzeitig wirksamere Begleitung möglich. Wie diese Vorgehensweise funktioniert erfahren Sie in diesem Workshop.

Das Seminar ist in deutscher Sprache mit finnischem Akzent. Ben Furman schafft es mit seiner humorvollen und erfrischenden Art das Thema nicht nur spannend zu vermitteln, sondern auch die Teilnehmenden auf der Basis seiner Modelle zu motivieren.

  • Wann: September 13th, 2015, 14:00 - 18:00 Uhr
  • Wo: am Konferenzort - Universität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst, Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, 1030 Wien
  • Kosten: Early Bird: 108,- € inkl. MwSt., buchbar bis 29. Mai 2015, danach: 132,- € inkl. MwSt.




Conference Location: University for Music and Performing Art, Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, Vienna, 1030, Austria

How to Get There & Accommodation



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Registrations by Country (approx.)

Austria 45 - Belgium 18 - Bulgaria 2 - Canada3 - Czech Republic 3 - Denmark 1 - Estonia 1 - Finland 7 - France 6 - Germany 24 - India 1 - Israel 1 - Italy 2 - Latvia 1 - Liechtenstein 1 - Netherlands 20 - Poland 12 - Russia 6 - Slovakia 1 - Slovenia 1 - Spain 4 - Sweden 18 - Switzerland 7 - United Kingdom 18 - United States 9

Registration Information

Ticket Options

Early Adopter

You decided that you will attend EBTA2015 in Vienna. You trust the EBTA2015 conference organizers that we will provide you with a great conference. You also want to support the organization of EBTA2015. We are grateful for your help and offer 30 people the "Early Adopter" special rate.

The Early Adopter rate is 360,- EUR.

This rate also applies to speakers (one per session) and up to 20 students (proof required) regardless of their time of registration. People that registered and paid a higher fee and get accepted as speaker will receive a refund in cash during the conference at the registration desk.

Early Bird

The "Early Bird" period will start after the "Early Adopter" period and will close by Jun 12th 2015.

The Early Bird rate is 384,- EUR.

Standard Rate

The standard conference price will be charged after Jun 12th 2015 until the conference on Sep 11th 2015.

The standard rate is 420,- EUR.

Note: We extended the duration of the standard rate and removed the higher late and on-site rate.

EBTA Members

EBTA members receive a 50,- EUR discount on the conference prices (not the dinner ticket). Please select your member status and then insert "ebta-member" in the coupon field.


We offer 20 students to register at the lowest price. After registration you will be asked to submit a student validation.


Currently it is not planned to employ a translator from English to German. Should you require a translator, please add a comment to the registration. If there are many such requests we will try to make it happen with a simultaneous translator via headset.

General Terms

All prices are subject to change should the organization require this.
Registered people with payments already made are excluded from such changes.

By booking a ticket you also agree to the terms and conditions and the code of conduct.

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